Here are some ways we can help you feel better about your water.

Our services aim to help you accomplish your water goals with quality and efficiency.  People who own wells use both our pump and water treatment services, while city residents usually need our water treatment services only.  Take a look at our services and find the right one for you.  Contact us and mention which one you are interested in and we will get you started on the journey towards better water.

Treatment Services

Water Consulting

Water comes to your business or home. But what is in the water? What do you do when you find out? What even is "good" water? Our water consultants guide you through all of these questions so that you feel better about your water.

Water Testing

Water can contain particles both good and bad. It is not easy to tell, however, if there is anything in the water or not. This is why we test water. Bacteria tests require lab work to know if it is present in water. We work with labs and do our own in-house sample collection and testing to give you the best results.

Water Treatment Install

There is a lot of piping involved in moving water within a building. We design and install water treatment systems that work well with your current piping and the space that the system will be in. UV lighting, filters, and reverse osmosis systems all fit together in an organized way.

Water Maintenance

For all of the products we install and most products that are in a business or home, we will maintain, fix, or recommend replacement as issues arise. Routine maintenance is the best way to prolong the life of your treatment system.

Rental Units

For offices or homeowners that do not want to hassle with maintaining a treatment system, we offer a service of rental units so that you have the good water you need without the worry. We install, maintain, and service these units for you, and you even have the option to buy that unit if you decide to later.

Pump Services

Residential Well Pumps

Constant pressure is a must to extend the life of a pump and meet the needs of a household. Set water pressure of around 60 psi is ideal. Our system takes this one step further. We include a moisture detection sensor so that you stay dry.

Well Inspection

Wells can change due to outside influences such as runoff contamination, heavy rains, or underground disturbances to the well. We offer a variety of inspections. You may need to test for bacteria, examine the condition of the casing, or others. All of these help you to be informed about your well. In addition, well yield testing is often desired too.

Well Yield Testing

Whether you are a business, municipality, homeowner, or real estate agent, you want to have the information you need on your well.



 Water well in Ayetoro-Ijesa village.( George Osodi/Panos)

Well Cleaning

In the case of water contamination, bacterial growth, or mineral build up, we offer well cleaning to disinfect and remove debris from your well. Sometimes this is a preventative measure or it can be a first step in saving the well instead of drilling an entirely new well.